I watch "Meet The Press" every Sunday. I find most political coverage (both network and ...yes, believe it or not, the blogosphere) filled with the inane partisan rants of narcissistic, power-hungry nincompoops who know nothing more about politics than you or I. Tim Russert was different.
He grilled both Democrats and Republicans furiously without seeming ideological in the least. During boringly asinine partisan panel discussions, Russert frequently calmed things. He kept his neutrality while pointing out contradictions from both sides; his strength was his ability to cut through absurd rhetoric and get to the heart of an issue. He knew what the truth was and strived to get the politicos to admit it.
He added wit, humor and a big smile to the political discussion and I will personally miss him and what he represented, journalistically: he was a reporter, not a talking head.
Here he is in one of his better moments, showcasing his ability to cut right through the bullshit:
Tim Russert, dead today at 58.
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