I guess I need to stop drinking...I mean, my routine of blacking out every night and waking up in a puddle of my own tears while stroking the nubile carcass of a prostitute is perfectly acceptable...but shitty writing is NOT.
Last Wednesday night I went to Las Vegas for work. My cameraman Ian and I decided to take a "load off" and have a few drinks at the local grogshop. This, of course, led to hours of discussion about philosophy, childhoods and the invariable blabbings of career and life goals. At some point after my 5th vodka martini, I got massively drunk.
I remember coming back to the hotel, saying goodnight to Ian, writing a few emails and going to sleep. Actually, the emails I sent (when I read them the next morning) were probably MORE coherent then I would normally compose. But, just now, while looking over my unpublished bloggings, I stumbled upon this; written at 3:45am that night:
i have a long, didactically boring explination as to whether or not a higher power exists. I have no idea if it's true. In fact, there are only a few thingsthat are consitantly funny.
ogcoutsr, this dude, got out and chasre
First thought is that I spelled didactically correct yet managed to misspell consistently ("consitantly" sounds like a coincidence that happened by accident)...second thought is what the hell was I going on about?
ogcoutsr, this dude, got out and chasre? Is ogcoutsr the name of the dude or a Dr Who Villan? Chasre? is that an olde English way of saying "chaser"? In my drunken state, did I manage to channel a dead language?
Do I really have a didactically boring "explination" as to whether or not a higher power exists, or is my answer "I really have no idea"? And what does that have to do with a lack of consistently funny things? Would I have a stronger Theological position if "Two and a Half Men" was a riot?
Also, the phrase "didactically boring "explination" as to whether or not a higher power exists" makes me sound like a first year film student who's just read Sarte for the first time.
I now feel the need study Buddhism, cry while watching "Fight Club" and blast Radiohead as loud as I possibly can. (I am describing someone...but that person is a very nice, talented person).
First rule of Fight Club...don't get drunk and blog.
Los Angeles Love
2 months ago
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