Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Conversation with a Doctor Today

Social Setting. Boring and unremarkable.

A Doctor begins to speak to me. A genial fellow of around 60, speaks with a smile and, at least according to himself, knows a hell of a lot. He kinda reminds me of someone who would play tennis with my father.

Anyway; strangest bit of the conversation is what I shall present to you.

Doctor: Any family history of balding? Father?
Me: No, he's got a full head of hair.
Doctor: Brothers?
Me: Losing a little off the top, but there you go.
Doctor: You know there's only one way to prevent hair loss. One way.
Me: What is it?
He smiles.
Doctor: There's only...one...way...
Me: OK, do tell.
Doctor: Castration.
Me: Really? Is it the testosterone?
Doctor: Exactly. I've literally seen people who are completely bald; you cut their nuts off, and *WHAM*, their hair starts growing back. Cutting your balls off is something you can do if you don't want to lose your hair.
Me: Yeah, but no one actually does that to prevent hair loss. Right?
Doctor: Yeah. It's kind of a moot point. But if you ever want to chop 'em, you'll never have to worry about balding.
Me: I think I'll deal with the balding.

I guess you learn something new every day. You also have new visions ingrained horribly in your mind forever. I can't even think of ball chopping without wincing and curling up into the fetal position. 

That's one area I wouldn't sacrifice for a full head of hair. 

Basically I wouldn't sacrifice my balls for anything; unless chopping my balls off allowed me to have perfect pitch. That would be pretty fucking awesome.

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