Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The 9 Stages of Drunkness, as told by Facebook Pictures

STAGE 1: "Hey, I'm at a bar with friends. This will be fun. Maybe I'll get a drink"

STAGE 2: "Well, I've got that drink now, now it's time for small talk and posed pictures!"

STAGE 3: "Oh hey, more people came! I'll have to up my drinking to tolerate their company!"

STAGE 4: "Now I must sit to concentrate on drinking. Let this beer represent my happiness; transient, but immediately invigorating. I'm completely oblivious that those around me are sad and bitter!"

STAGE 5: " 'Pointing at nothing' stage; My favorite! Am I pointing at you or the last vestige of my dignity running out the door? Either way, it's pure excitement! Let me buy drinks for people even though I barely know them/they have more money than me!"

STAGE 6: "Oh boy, 'contemplation stage': should I keep drinking to kill the pain, or kill the pain with drinks? It's a Catch-22 of personality flaws!"

STAGE 7: "Boy, I love the 'slouching and shoegazing' stage; I can't look at you in the eye: but I'm telling you my innermost secrets and desires! Boy, I'll certainly be neurotic that I revealed too much in the morning!"

STAGE 8: "Now let's touch each other weirdly/give man-ssages while making hilarious faces! Let's talk about how we never see each other and get names to add to our Facebook."

*FINAL* STAGE 9: "Let all heterosexual men unite in highly effeminate bonding and uncomfortable closeness. No worries, it will be forgotten by morn!"

FINAL NOTE: I love everyone in these photographs, and putting them up is to merely illustrate my own feelings about drinking and getting drunk.

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