Yesterday I had the most page views ever on this site. True, 'tis but a mere pittance to what most sites get (especially one that mentions pooter as much as I do), but I was overall-ly pleased.
One thing though, a fair amount of the views came from Little, Brown And Company, which is a book publishing firm. Someone there categorically went through almost every single blog that I've ever done...maybe they're scouting or maybe they're putting together a leaflet on how not to write vote is with the latter.
In any case, I also received a very kind email this evening from a young entrepreneur who wanted me to link to his fabulous website full of knee-slaptastic clothing, so here ya go, kind sir. You can now check out his stuff in my blog roll.
Now he's supposed to link back to me, which will be an interesting social experiment. Seems to me like this free exchange of linkage is like communism, and we all know how well that worked out, so I'm not holding my breath.
In unrelated news, does anyone notice that it's no longer strange to talk/sing/yell loudly at yourself while walking down the street? I used to think it was a trait unique to transients and homeless people, but now it seems like every Tom, Dick and Hipster is doing it.
Like today, someone road past me on his bike, and I could have sworn I heard him yelling "Fuck that corporation 10 dollar logo bullshit!"
And the other week, I saw this straight off the boat Chinese guy scream/singing "Material Girl" last week around Sunset and LaBrea: "I am riving in a matryl wor, an I am a matryl gul". It warmed the cockles of my heart, or at least the cockle-area.
I love my cockles.
Los Angeles Love
2 weeks ago
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