Scientists have discovered (based on taking a close look at Google Earth) that cows align themselves along a North/South axis, which appear to indicate that they have some sort of "sixth sense" of magnetism.
Well, further studies (based on taking a really close look at Google Earth) seem to reinforce this; showing that cows align themselves in all sorts of fun, different directions when they are standing next to power lines. Those lines emit a low level magnetic field, thereby "crossing their magnetic wires".
So are we about to enter an age of fashionable cow-compasses? Will geneticists create "pocket bovines" and market them to grizzled old mariners looking for a good larf while sailing about the globe? Probably not.
What this says to me, in a pretentiously simplistic way, is that there is some sort of incomprehensible symmetry to everything. It's not necessarily some divine deity, but something necessarily divine about these bovines' magnetism.
As science learns more (and takes a super intense look at Google Earth), we're going to discover all sorts of seemingly inconsequential little pieces; tiny fragments of an unknowably large whole.
Personally, I can't wait. Well, I'll probably be dead before we even being to partially understand the tiniest amount of knowable information...but my great-great-great-great grandson might find it interesting. Well, somewhat interesting...ooooor not actually interesting at all.
My guess? One day, everyone standing in a southern direction will fall off the face of the earth, leaving the hyper-intelligent cows ready for the "Great Cow Uprising" of 2046. Our only defense? Worcestershire SauceBot: a half human, half peppery condiment killing machine created by the human resistance (let by H.J. Heinz).
Holy Cow!

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