Friday, June 26, 2009

Delicious and Easy 20 Minute Steak

I thought I might just throw up a quick and easy recipe for a 20 minute steak for those of us on the run/those of us who are completely incompetent in the kitchen.

Here's what you'll need before you cook:

To Serve 2 People:

Lean Steak (1/4-1/3 lb per person)
3-4 cloves of Garlic (chopped thick)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 heaping tablespoons of sweet salsa (something like a "peach mango" salsa, one spoon on each steak)
5-7 crushed crackers (something delicious and crunchy, Rice Crackers work well...)
A few squirts of your favorite BBQ sauce
Dash of Salt and Pepper


-Cover a cooking dish with aluminum foil, then spread Olive Oil evenly across the foil. Squirt some BBQ sauce (as much as you want) in with the oil.
-Take steaks and rub both sides in Olive Oil/BBQ sauce mix, then lay them on the foil.
-Top steaks with salt & pepper, chopped garlic (I personally like really thick pieces of garlic, not minced), salsa and crushed crackers (you can put the crackers in a bowl and hit them with a blunt object until they break into little pieces).
-Turn Broiler On...
-Stick steaks in your broiler; flip them over after about 7 minutes, then flip 'em back again after 7 minutes for another few minutes. Depending on how well you like your steaks done, they should be ready in about 15 minutes.

A good way to tell is to cut a little into the center of the steak and check and see how "pink" the middle is. I personally think they taste best with a decent amount of pink; say around medium.

Another way, suggested here, is: "Check the edges. If you have a thicker steak, the color of the edges is often a good way to tell how done the middle is. When the edges change from red to pink to brown, the inside is probably moving from rare to medium rare to medium."

When you're done, the cracker/salsa/garlic topping will probably be all over your foil, so make sure to scoop it on top of your steak before you serve. It's pretty tasty.

While you're cooking the steak, you can make a good side dish, here's what you need:

1 bag of Sweet Potatoes, cut up (they have these at Trader Joe's, etc)
1-2 teaspoons of brown sugar (depending on how much sugar you like)
1/2 lemon, squeezed
a sprinkle of water

-Put Sweet Potatoes on a microwave safe plate.
-Squeeze 1/2 Lemon on them
-Evenly sprinkle some water on them (as much water as you might have on your fingers after you wash them)
-Gently dust them with brown sugar

Cover tightly in plastic wrap, stab a few holes in the wrap with a fork, and microwave for about 7 minutes.

You can add basically any vegetable to this concoction to make a pretty tasty side. Carrots or Brussel Sprouts work nicely too.

And basically you have it; a nice, relatively healthy meal that's incredibly easy to make.

1 comment:

nikki said...


I've been researching different recipes online lately, and it has become sort of dull. To make up for it, I've been running cooking instructions through my "sexy mad libs" filter. Por ejemplo:

"Take steaks and rub both sides in Olive Oil/BBQ sauce mix, then lay them on the foil."


"Caressing the steaks with both hands, gently work in the saucy oil. Position the glistening meat on the foil... of love."

I don't think I'll be able to get your recipe out of my head.


(*That was my stomach.)