Our 10th president, John Tyler (1790-1862) has two living grandchildren.
Yes, someone born two hundred and nineteen years ago has living grandchildren.
He had a son (Lyon Gardiner Tyler) who was born in 1853, when Tyler was 63.
Lyon, at the approximate age of "older than dirt", had three children:
- Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Jr. (1924 – present)
- Harrison Ruffin Tyler (1928 – present)
- Henry Tyler (1931)
Lyon Jr. is 85, add that to the age his father's was when he was born, you've got 156; add that to Tyler's age when Lyon was born...and you've got 219.
Even if I live another 60 years, the age between me and my oldest grandparent would be something like 164 years...and I'm the youngest of the youngest!
To put it into context, the next oldest president with a living grandchild is James Garfield, who would be a baby at 177 today. Jane Garfield is 99. Garfield was president 40 years after Tyler...
In case you're wondering, the oldest presidential child alive is John Eisenhower.
Anyway, next time you're at a party and feel like throwing out a factoid (or three) that will impress no one but nerds and trivia-obsessed ne'er-do-wells; bring this up. I guarantee at least .3 people will be impressed.
Tyler also had a child(ren) with a slave...but who didn't?
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