Is love still blind for a blind person? Or is it "love is sighted" for them?
Jews aren't money hungry, they're "getting the coat at cost" hungry.
I'm easily distractible which is a word I just had to add to my web browser dictionary. What kind of web browser doesn't have "distractible" in its dictionary? I guess it's time to stop using Mosaic. I wonder if my Geocities personal page is getting any hits from aol users looking at alt.binaries.Geocities.arcane.references.
If Axl Rose was a 10 year old fat Mexican kid who looks nothing like Axl Rose would he look like this?

I am not getting older, everyone around me is just getting a lot younger and speak a strange internet acronym based language.
I'm not gaining weight, the world is just contracting at an imperceptibly fast rate.
In 1993, I took neither side the "whoomp! there it is" or "whoot! there it is" war. I preferred the less well known "whoopie goldberg! there it is". That's probably why I was so unpopular in middle school.
"Nobody walks in LA" except when you're filling up your gas tank and an insane drunk hobo walks up to you to ask for money/to read his "manifesto".
The word manifesto sounds like a type of basil leaf-derived sauce created by stereotype Italian mobsters. "Aaay, taste this fuckin' manifesto, you goombatz!".
14 year olds who make fun of 18 year olds because they wear late-80s Run DMC style hip hop clothing should be gently reminded that in 4 years they'll be dressing like The Spice Girls and wearing $80 vintage "Silverchair" tee shirts. Fashion is macabre cyclic charade.
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