Back from a self-imposed three and a half month hiatus.
I'm writing here in a vain (either definition works) attempt to get my creative juices flowing. If that doesn't sound dirty I don't know what does. OK, actually 'hard knob' sounds pretty dirty...but that's neither here nor there.
So today I drank two large coffees, four Red Bulls and a ginseng 'focus' tea...but I'm still staring at blankly at this script that I started five months ago. About three months ago, I finished a solid first draft. Instead of sending it to my manager, I desided to get my friend's opinions. Well, you know what they say...opinions are like vinereal diseases...every film school graduate has one. I got so much feedback from so many different directions that I became confused, then depressed, then confused again.
Strange thing is that most of the feedback was positive. The common problem that everyone had with the script was entirely fixable with maybe two days hard work. Well, that was about a month ago. What have I been doing since then? Drinking coffees, Red Bulls and ginseng 'focus' teas and staring blankly at my computer.
A classic Marx Brothers' gag involves Chico and Harpo posing as barbers. A man with a big mustache comes in and asks for a trim...well, the boys, in a 'vain' attempt to even the sides out, chop off his mustache completely. Well, that's what I've done to my script. Every little change forces another little change, again and again and again, until the script has so many little changes that it's a completely huge disorginized mess. All because a few of my friends told me to make the character more pro-active.
I guess I should be more pro-active and just finish the damn thing. I'm just not sure there'll be a mustache left at the end...
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