All the girls I've ever hooked up with got into a room to discuss what that experience was like. Some winced, a few smiled, most said "who?".
The moderator reminded them by reading my self-penned biography called "Pork on my Plate: Confessions of a Guilty Jew". NYT bestseller if you ask me!
One girl had a hint of recognition. As she tilted her head into the prerequisite "I kinda remember" fashion, she spoke, "oh, him. We only hooked up because I was trying to get back at my anti-semitic father."
After that, various insults were hurled in iambic pentameter (the english major) and truncated half-english (the film major). They were mostly about my lack of finesse. That girl I "teethed" in 1995 spoke thusly, "my gleaming pearly whites clanked awkwardly against his yellowish coffee-stained chompers as if they were fighting in a 'Star Wars'-like fantasy film. I hate him and the past that I'm attempting to leave behind out of horrible shame".
It was like an "I despise Matt" convention, which interestingly enough, was very similar to my family reunions, except fewer middle aged people trying to convince me to go into Chiropody.
"What was something you liked about him?", the moderator quizzed my various exes.
Dead silence. Quiet as night, as if to say "yeah, he was OK, but in retrospect, Hitler was about 10% more caring".
Finally, that Italian girl with that hugely inappropriate Daffy Duck tattoo raised her hand, "Well, he didn't rape me. And he definitely had the opportunity. I mean, you gotta respect a guy who doesn't rape you". She shrugged.
They all clapped. Shouts of "yeah, no rape!" and "I was never intimidated by him!" were heard in the distance. One girl even shrieked, "He was crying so much after we hooked up, I thought I raped him!". Sorry, Enna, but it was totally worth crying about and yes, fingers should not end up below the male equator. Have you no shame?
Then all my exes convened for a vote - "was Matt kissing you or did you feel like he was a dainty lady - a delicate flower frightened of intimate contact for fear of blowing away, like a fragile piece of dust in the wind?" I can't legally announce the results of the vote, but sufficed to say, they pretty much thought I was a woman. I mean, yeah, my boobs are pretty juicy and supple, but me - dainty? Please! I'm much closer to being delectable. I'm a fucking delicacy, thank you very much - tasty and full of high caloric portions.
After the meeting was over, a few of the lady friends stuck around to talk to each other. They agreed on only three facts:
1) Matt enjoys super lame British stuff from the 80s
2) his tongue is like an electric eel that ran out of battery power and died a horrible, non-engergetic death.
3) there is no number thee because they can't remember enough about him to come up with three facts.
At dusk, the meeting hall was empty and all the women went back to their respective boyfriends. I sat alone, smoking some meat, wondering what would have happened with my life had I stayed with any of the ladies. Then my meat caught fire and a bunch of Mexican day-laborers died in the blaze. I realized that if I was still with any of those women, none of the laborers would have died. Then I became a republican and decided it was better for them laborers to die than for me to have continued dating any of these women. After all, illegal immigration is making our children gay! Where's the birth certificate? I hate health care benefits! Deny the fuck out of me! Reagonomic-gasm all over me!
Los Angeles Love
2 months ago