Well, here's an interesting one. Well, not actually interesting, more "ha-ha" funny. I'm currently working freelance, and yes, holy steamingly fresh-out-a-dog's-backside CRAP, it's wonderful. No more coming home and complaining about work. No more being at work...complaining about work. No more watching a movie and thinking about complaining about work.
God help me, why does everyone get so caught up with "work". Seriously, 99.9% of people aren't doing what they want to be doing with their lives, yet they get so wrapped up in the day to day stress of their jobs that their hatred of their JOB becomes a hatred of their LIVES. It gets all wrapped up, thrown in a blender, smashed into a pulp and spit out in one big diarrheal splatter. It's a sad, pathetic, numbing life. Much like a career in the entertainment industry.
Not sure what any of that means. It could be that now I am out of the day to day grind, I completely understand what a large bunch of bullshit the day to day grind actually is. All I hear is "I hate this", "I wish I could be doing this", "what are those red blotches on your penis?", yada yada yada. Well, forget about WORK, drop everything and DO WHAT YOU WANT to do in life. You don't need to quit to get there; but figure out the road and begin to walk down it. You'll end up where you want to be...or at least realize you weren't meant to be there in the first place.
Yada Yada Yada. I'll write something more articulate later. This is just a numbing ramble.
Los Angeles Love
2 weeks ago
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