Friday, September 11, 2009

The Boy With The Arab Strap

I wandered as lonely as a cloud, except I was surrounded by about 20 people that I knew, so I guess it was like "I wandered as lonely as a cloud with 20 other clouds that were wandering lonely" or something like that.

Except that it was my generation, so they were actually "LOL'ing as lonely as a cloud".

That's the problem with the under-30s. We're all connected to everyone, everywhere, everytime, yet we're as disconnected as we've ever been.

The Internet is fucking useless in it’s incredible usefulness; it connects everyone and disconnects everything. We’re one click away but we’ve never been further apart.

Friends who used to call me, now post a “Happy Birthday” on my Facebook wall. My mother didn't call me after an Earthquake in California, but she did message me she noticed that I hadn’t updated my status in a while.

There’s no reason to catch up with old friends, because everything you need to know is readily available. "How's your relationship going?" has morphed into a comment in reply to "Matt changed his Status To Single".

"Coming over and meeting the baby" is now "watching the video of the baby I uploaded on youtube". The urgency is gone.

In that same sense, intellectual discourse has been reduced to mind-numbingly simplistic arguments about who yelled at who, what hilarious gaffe was misspoken by what politician, what our president looks like without his shirt on. (by the way, the answer to that last question is "friggin' sexy", or sexaaay, as I like to say).

We look for information on Twitter's trending topics and every source of "news" is an op-ed by someone who is less informed than a particularly solitary hermit who wants more "alone time".

Have you read most blogs? They are the bane of the informed man's existence. For the most part, they are a list of hugely simplified talking points strung together with cretinous hyperbolic rhetoric. They make Rush Limbaugh look like Walter Cronkite the morning he woke up and said "hey, I'm feeling uniquely informed and adroit today".

Every idiot with a blog has an opinion and every person with a social networking website who doesn't communicate face-to-face with people should be ashamed. Where's the heart?

That said, thanks for reading CryingWhileMasturbating and please follow me on Twitter:


It's like Groucho Marx said; "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.", or in 21st century speak "Teh Interwebs Iz Good 4 Me, Even Tho I Hates It".

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